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Hang onto your keys with ease. No more digging through your purse, diaper bag, backpack, or gym bag! This stylish and functional wristlet is made of soft silicone beads that slide on and off your hand comfortably.

Just add your keys and wear on your wrist to stay hands-free. Will not slip off like other wristlets.

Stretches to fit any wrist.

Hands-Free Silicone Beaded Keychain Wristlet - Natural Beauty

Regular price $22.00
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Hang onto your keys with ease. No more digging through your purse, diaper bag, backpack, or gym bag! This stylish and functional wristlet is made of soft silicone beads that slide on and off your hand comfortably.

Just add your keys and wear on your wrist to stay hands-free. Will not slip off like other wristlets.

Stretches to fit any wrist.